Would you like to host a screening of Agniyogana at your yoga studio, community center or private event? With our new Community Screening License, Agniyogana can be seen anywhere in the world, at the time and date of your choosing. With the license, you will get a link to the film as well as a discussion guide to help you facilitate a dialogue with your community after your screening if you wish. To apply for a license, please read the details below and confirm that you agree to the points listed.
If you are interested in having Emma Balnaves, the filmmaker of Agniyogana attend your screening in person and be present for a question/answer session afterwards, this is possible with a Premium Licence. It is subject to Emma’s availability in your region. For further information kindly email us at communitylicense@agniyogana.com.
Yes, your license entitles you to a one-time screening at a single location. If approved, your license will allow you to hold a free event, a ticketed (paid) event, a donation-based event, or a charity event at your choosing. Agniyogana is not involved in any transaction except as the owner of the film granting a license to you for a single event screening.
No, the Community License is for small groups outside of a theatrical setting (e.g. yoga teacher trainings, film series at the local library, etc.). If you would like to host a screening in a theatrical setting, please visit demand.film and request a screening of Agniyogana through our distributor or email contact@agniyogana.com if your screening location is not supported by demand.film
A link to the film will be sent to your email address several days before your scheduled event so that you may download it and save it in advance of the screening. You are responsible for arranging all necessary digital screening technology to display the film. Once the screening has concluded, you are also responsible to delete the film from your storage device.
The filmmakers – and most of the viewers who may be interested in the film – are yogins who live by the ethical precepts of yoga including Satya, or truthfulness. To maintain ethical integrity (and international video piracy laws) we ask that individuals or organizations who wish to offer the film in a group setting appropriately obtain a license.
After receipt of your application we will email you information and material to advertise your screening of the film. You will also receive a package containing:
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